Revenue Cycle Solutions


Customized to Fit Your Needs

  • Call Center

  • Intake

  • Pre-Registration

  • Pre-Authorization

  • Billing

  • Collections

  • Denial Resolutions

  • Cash Posting

  • Experienced Management



Call Center Services

We have Certified Healthcare Access Associates  who are ready to assist you in taking care of your patients. From phone service, to scheduling, our team is ready!


Intake & Benefit verification

Our staff provides top-tier customer service to incoming patients and referring provider offices. We also ensure quick and accurate patient registration 


Our team leverages its expertise in medication and prior authorization standards with each payer to obtain quick and accurate approval for services.

Billing and collections

We use the most current billing techniques and technology to provide the highest level of accuracy to meet payer specific guidelines with each claim filed.  Our billing services are also compliant with Medicaid and Medicare.

claim Denial Resolution

Our staff ensures expedient resolution of claim denials and are also trained to  watch for underpayments to ensure the most accurate reimbursement possible.



Cash Posting/Applications

Timely and accurate posting of your cash. Our expert team provides cash posting and 835 reconciliation services in a timely manner in order to reflect correct receivables.

BAD Debt reduction and management

As leaders in the industry, we have a proven history in reducing bad debt due to well-developed collection efforts and advanced problem solving standards.

Interim Management

We specialize in providing businesses with skilled revenue cycle management services on a temporary or permanent basis.